Meet Theo
Meet Theo
Hello! I’m glad you’re here.
My name is Theo, but that nickname started in the 6th grade. My full name is derived from my grandmothers, Thelma + Elizabeth = Thelizabeth.
After 30 years, I moved back to my hometown in Whitney, Texas. In this photo, I am standing in front of the hospital where I was born 50 years ago to two of the most beautiful people I will ever know.
I’m just a farmgirl that loves to write. Most of all, I love sharing the story of a farmer, his wife, and their life. It’s beautiful. It’s broken. It’s complete. It’s a sweet life with a most tragic end. They lived in extraordinary ways and died in extraordinary ways. But just because some stories don’t have happy endings doesn’t mean the characters don’t live happily ever after.
I write so people can feel what I feel, see what I see, and love what I loved.

You can find comfort, hope, love, and be assured that your life means something from my words and His love. I want you to know your worth. I want you to know how much God loves you.
I want you to know that I grieve, hurt, and understand, but no two griefs are the same. We all deserve to own our individuality in life and death. You are the only you.
Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Stay connected to receive more information about my upcoming book, My Grief is Not Like Yours.
Available Now!
Theo Boyd has found solace in writing and believes there’s a need to talk about the hidden emotions accompanying grief. She writes so that others may seek comfort in her words.
This is the origin of THINK THEO.
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